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Research articles

Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Concordia

Analysis of internal control in the accounts receivable of the company MADELANCA C.A. Cabimas - Venezuela

Analysis of internal control in the accounts receivable of the company MADELANCA C.A. Cabimas - Venezuela

The objective of the article is to analyze the internal control in the accounts receivable of the Company MADELANCA C.A. Cabimas-Venezuela. An analytical investigation was outlined, with a nonexperimental and transactional design. The population was made up of workers from the company MADELANCA C.A and four (04) people are considered as a sample. Regarding the technique applied to collect the information, it was the survey and as an instrument a questionnaire with dichotomous answers, composed of 48 questions. If a questionnaire with a frequency scale is used as an instrument, the dichotomous question would be the following: High (1), Medium (2) and Low (3). The results show that the company MADELANCA C.A. Cabimas-Venezuela standards are considered as bases to carry out internal control. It is concluded that the company never takes into consideration the internal control for accounts receivable, and they also know the risk that customer debts may bring to the company; it can be added that the company never supervises nor does it follow up on clients who are in default.

The objective of the article is to analyze the internal control in the accounts receivable of the Company MADELANCA C.A. Cabimas-Venezuela. An analytical investigation was outlined, with a nonexperimental and transactional design. The population was made up of workers from the company MADELANCA C.A and four (04) people are considered as a sample. Regarding the technique applied to collect the information, it was the survey and as an instrument a questionnaire with dichotomous answers, composed of 48 questions. If a questionnaire with a frequency scale is used as an instrument, the dichotomous question would be the following: High (1), Medium (2) and Low (3). The results show that the company MADELANCA C.A. Cabimas-Venezuela standards are considered as bases to carry out internal control. It is concluded that the company never takes into consideration the internal control for accounts receivable, and they also know the risk that customer debts may bring to the company; it can be added that the company never supervises nor does it follow up on clients who are in default.

Research articles


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