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Research articles

Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): Concordia

Analysis of the unternal control and administrative management system in the Mype

Analysis of the unternal control and administrative management system in the Mype

The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of internal control on the administrative management of the MYPE Consorcio Liz S.A.C in the year 2023. The research is framed in an explanatory, applied and quantitative approach, without including an experimental design. The study population was made up of 10 workers from the administrative area of the aforementioned MYPE. To collect the data, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was used, which was validated through a linear regression statistical analysis. The results obtained revealed that the internal control system has a significant influence on the administrative management of the company. In the conclusions, the existence of a causal relationship between both variables is solidly established, highlighting the importance of each component, such as a conducive control environment, the systematic identification of risks, the efficient execution of control activities, adequate management. information and communication, as well as continuous and effective supervision.

The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of internal control on the administrative management of the MYPE Consorcio Liz S.A.C in the year 2023. The research is framed in an explanatory, applied and quantitative approach, without including an experimental design. The study population was made up of 10 workers from the administrative area of the aforementioned MYPE. To collect the data, a questionnaire with a Likert scale was used, which was validated through a linear regression statistical analysis. The results obtained revealed that the internal control system has a significant influence on the administrative management of the company. In the conclusions, the existence of a causal relationship between both variables is solidly established, highlighting the importance of each component, such as a conducive control environment, the systematic identification of risks, the efficient execution of control activities, adequate management. information and communication, as well as continuous and effective supervision.

Research articles


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