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Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Concordia

Supply management model in the company Industries Teal S.A. Piura

Supply management model in the company Industries Teal S.A. Piura

The objective of this article is to develop a supply management proposal to reduce costs in the import of bulk wheat from the company Industrias Teal S.A. Piura. Regarding the methodology, it was oriented towards a quantitative, applied-projective approach and the design was non-experimental. Four populations were used, including the general manager, the commercial manager, and the finance manager, and finally, documents from the wheat importing company. The technique to collect the information was the interview. As a result, the existence of a non-standardized rate was obtained, as well as little hopper transportation in the town of Paita and the inefficient use of silos in Teal. It is concluded that the main causes that influence high storage costs are: non-standardized rates, little hopper transportation in the town of Paita, high storage costs, inefficient transportation, and use of silos in Teal.

The objective of this article is to develop a supply management proposal to reduce costs in the import of bulk wheat from the company Industrias Teal S.A. Piura. Regarding the methodology, it was oriented towards a quantitative, applied-projective approach and the design was non-experimental. Four populations were used, including the general manager, the commercial manager, and the finance manager, and finally, documents from the wheat importing company. The technique to collect the information was the interview. As a result, the existence of a non-standardized rate was obtained, as well as little hopper transportation in the town of Paita and the inefficient use of silos in Teal. It is concluded that the main causes that influence high storage costs are: non-standardized rates, little hopper transportation in the town of Paita, high storage costs, inefficient transportation, and use of silos in Teal.

Artículos Originales


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