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Artículos Originales

Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Concordia

Branding strategies for the promotion of the "Escuela Potosí Tennis Club"

Branding strategies for the promotion of the "Escuela Potosí Tennis Club"

The objective of this article was to design Branding strategies to promote the "Escuela Potosí Tenis Club" in Bolivia. Was classified as a proactive, non-experimental type of research, with a mixed design for the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, the techniques used were observation, the interview and the survey and the instruments were the interview script, the questionnaire and the observation guide. That allowed knowing the initial situation of the School in terms of promotion. The Branding strategy was built developing the following elements: Purpose, slogan, logo, brand name or Brand Name, colors, audio branding, communication tone, Web Page, Facebook, WhatsApp Business, product characteristics, Rolers or banners, Implementation. By applying these Branding strategies to the Tennis School, you will achieve greater awareness and increase your sales.

The objective of this article was to design Branding strategies to promote the "Escuela Potosí Tenis Club" in Bolivia. Was classified as a proactive, non-experimental type of research, with a mixed design for the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, the techniques used were observation, the interview and the survey and the instruments were the interview script, the questionnaire and the observation guide. That allowed knowing the initial situation of the School in terms of promotion. The Branding strategy was built developing the following elements: Purpose, slogan, logo, brand name or Brand Name, colors, audio branding, communication tone, Web Page, Facebook, WhatsApp Business, product characteristics, Rolers or banners, Implementation. By applying these Branding strategies to the Tennis School, you will achieve greater awareness and increase your sales.

Artículos Originales


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