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Research articles

Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Concordia

Products Promotion Strategy of the Cayara Agency

Products Promotion Strategy of the Cayara Agency

The promotion of products is essential in any company, after the pandemic and its effects this area increases its importance in the economic recovery of various sectors. According to this, the study aimed to develop a strategy to promote dairy products of the Cayara Dairy Agency, in the city of Potosí. This research is a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive type. The following instruments were applied: cuestionary, semi-structured interview guide and observation guide. These were applied to 365 consumers and contained sixteen (16) closed questions. These instruments showed that there are difficulties in publicizing the products, the company does not have points of sale to cover the demand and there is a lack of follow-up to the promotions. In this sense, the strategy is focused on 4 dimensions: Advertising, Promotion, Public Relations and Personal Sales, actions to provide solutions to the problems identified.

The promotion of products is essential in any company, after the pandemic and its effects this area increases its importance in the economic recovery of various sectors. According to this, the study aimed to develop a strategy to promote dairy products of the Cayara Dairy Agency, in the city of Potosí. This research is a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive type. The following instruments were applied: cuestionary, semi-structured interview guide and observation guide. These were applied to 365 consumers and contained sixteen (16) closed questions. These instruments showed that there are difficulties in publicizing the products, the company does not have points of sale to cover the demand and there is a lack of follow-up to the promotions. In this sense, the strategy is focused on 4 dimensions: Advertising, Promotion, Public Relations and Personal Sales, actions to provide solutions to the problems identified.

Research articles


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