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Research articles

Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023): Concordia

Importance of teacher training on dramatic games in early childhood education

Importance of teacher training on dramatic games in early childhood education

Children's dramatization is a fundamental tool to motivate the student, to promote their creativity, activate the communicative exchange and the expression of their emotions, constantly develop the imagination together with body expression, and stimulate participation. For this reason, we propose to determine the importance of the dramatization corner in the social interaction of children aged 4 to 5 years, in a research with a qualitative-quantitative approach, descriptive level and mixed design. These results served as input for the design of a Guide for Teachers. It is concluded that the training of teachers in dramatic games from early education is essential to take advantage of the full educational potential of this activity. By providing teachers with the necessary skills, the comprehensive development of children is promoted, their self-esteem is strengthened and their capacity for expression and creativity is encouraged. This creates a solid foundation for your educational process and will lay the foundation for future learning.

Children's dramatization is a fundamental tool to motivate the student, to promote their creativity, activate the communicative exchange and the expression of their emotions, constantly develop the imagination together with body expression, and stimulate participation. For this reason, we propose to determine the importance of the dramatization corner in the social interaction of children aged 4 to 5 years, in a research with a qualitative-quantitative approach, descriptive level and mixed design. These results served as input for the design of a Guide for Teachers. It is concluded that the training of teachers in dramatic games from early education is essential to take advantage of the full educational potential of this activity. By providing teachers with the necessary skills, the comprehensive development of children is promoted, their self-esteem is strengthened and their capacity for expression and creativity is encouraged. This creates a solid foundation for your educational process and will lay the foundation for future learning.

Research articles


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